Bed bugs

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Bed bug control

Our clients will be amazed of our service and the care to detail…we guarantee it!

Cody Spjute


Small, quiet, and difficult to see, bed bugs are nevertheless a massive pain to deal with on your own. They come into your home, often unnoticed, on clothing and luggage but quickly take up residence in your bedding and on your furniture. Time is everything when battling bed bugs. Even a small infestation can get out of hand quickly, so when you first notice the signs of bed bug activity, let us know right away!

Keep an eye out for the following symptoms of a bed bug infestation: 

  • You wake up with small, itchy, red welts on your body, wherever your skin comes into direct contact with your bedding.
  • You notice small, rust-colored stains on your bedding or furniture. 
  • Your bedroom takes on an unexplained musty smell, similar to a wet towel that’s sat out too long. 
  • You find shed bed-bug skins or discarded eggshells around your home.
  • You see live bed bugs in your bed. 

“We had an incredible experience with EverGuard. They were very professional, kind, and did a wonderful job. They made it very simple and the customer service is really good. You can tell they care about you as a customer.”

Alex C.

We use products that won’t harm your family or pets